Monday, April 15, 2013

Furnture Junk: Industrial Stools

It's the beginning of the season and we traveled to NJ this weekend for a flea market and estate sale.

Picked up these 2 metal stools (1 Hallowell), a Schwinn Traveler and a shop light.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Art Junk - Billy Debeck Cartoonist

Billy Debeck is a Chicagoan (like myself) who created some of the memorable comic strip characters of the 1920s and 1930s, including Barney Google, Bunky, Snuffy Smith and the racehorse Spark Plug.

 I found this cartoon hanging in a shop near the Poconos for the low low price of $2. The frame has to be worth mare than that.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Household Junk - Paint Tins

I was given five Indianapolis, IN Fine Art watercolor tins by a lovely art teacher. Stay tuned for what useful thing they become.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Travel Junk - Leather Dr. Bags

These leather Dr./Travel bags are amazing. One's from the Amish auction and the other from Hope, NJ. The better of the two has plaid liner and leather interior straps.

Household Junk - Pinup Coat Rack

A little aging and I've got a nice pin-up girl coat rack. Photos from a 1959 Laff magazine, new paint, Briwax, and vintage hooks. I hate when things are made to look old but it's ok when boobs are involved.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bric a Brac Junk - Fasco Fan

This deco fan was a throw in with the milkshake machine deal. It's dirty and doesn't work but it sweetened the deal on that God damn blender I spent a ton on.

Bike Junk - Raleigh Sport

I brought this out of a cellar in Greenpoint for $40 bucks and it looks perfect with a new chain, wheels, tires and a $5 seat. Another Raleigh back to life. Shout out to Joe for buying it.